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Addressing the barriers to mental healthcare in the Black community through our 4 tiered approach.

Advocate Mental Health in Black communities through continued discussion.

Build a collaborative platform to provide resources that connect our community to culturally competent care.

Build strategic partnerships with to develop programs that provide an informed approach to mental health within our community.

Remove barriers to seeking and paying for mental healthcare services.

Find a resource

We hope that you will be able to leverage our network of providers to find the right provider to help protect your peace. You will be able to search by location and discipline to find the right provider for you.

Become a Volunteer

We are looking for people enthused about the advocacy of mental wellness. Becoming a volunteer will help this organization grow through our programming and fundraising initiatives.


Your donations will help those in need. Your donation will help us support our programming initiatives, and providers' services, and grow the team so we are able to support the people in our communities.
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Our Mission

To holistically improve access to mental wellness throughout the Black diaspora.

Our Vision

We seek to eradicate the stigma of mental illness in our communities by being that safe space for our brothers and sisters to gain knowledge on mental resources available and advocating for low-cost solutions to mental healthcare.

Our Core Values

Our top values are honesty, integrity, and transparency. These core values embody characteristics that we feel are necessary to usher our community into a healthier mental space.

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